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Endangered Species Project

The Colorado Water Congress Endangered Species Special Project is actively involved in the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program.

While our members participate in and benefit from the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program and the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program, the Water Congress is not directly involved.


The Colorado Water Congress has been involved in Endangered Species issues since 1983 when the Water Congress board of directors established the Colorado Water Congress Special Project on Endangered Species.  The initial objective was to develop administrative solutions to potential conflicts between water development/management activities and protection of endangered species in the  Colorado River and Platte River basins.

The Water Congress was involved in the negotiation and development of solutions for the Platte River basin until 1996.  At that time, water users established a separate entity to address Platte River issues.

2023 Recovery Champion - Tom Pitts

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The Recovery Program installed a massive fish screen on the Grand Valley Project Highline Canal. The screen is operated and maintained by the Grand Valley Water Users Association with expenses reimbursed by the Recovery Program.
The Recovery Program constructed state-of-the-art fish hatcheries to restore populations of endangered razorback sucker and bonytail. (Image courtesy of Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program)
The Recovery Program helped fund the expansion of Elkhead Reservoir on the lower Yampa River to provide late summer flows for endangered fish. (Image courtesy of Colorado River Water Conservation District)
The Recovery Program installed a fish screen at the Redlands Water and Power Company canal on the Gunnison River to prevent entrainment of endangered fish.
The fish passage at the Roller Dam constructed by the Recovery Program helps provide endangered fish access to 340 miles of critical habitat on the Gunnison and Colorado Rivers. (Image courtesy of Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program)
The fish passage on the Redlands Water and Power Company diversion opens critical habitat on the Gunnison River to endangered fish.


Project Coordinator
Tom Pitts

Project Coordinator
Richard Belt

CWC Project Staff
Erin Messner